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In late August 2021, the Swiss U-space Implementation (SUSI)1 partnership started working on
the implementation of the UAS flight authorisation service as described by Article 10 of the
Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/6642. Upon completion of the technical infrastructure
required to exchange UAS flight authorisation data amongst U-space service providers (USSP),
it became clear that their manual onboarding and the service’s continuous oversight would not be
sustainable in the long term in terms of resources for the Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA).
A manual process would also have limited the U-space Service Providers’ (USSPs) ability to
innovate due to difficulties in getting changes tested and approved rapidly. The following sections
describe the iterative approach undertaken by a SUSI working group to establish an automated
onboarding and oversight framework.


The document also contains in appendix an extract of a sample reporting injecting a flight from USS-1 to USS-2 and validation of the result by querying the DSS.


Important link: Open Source Test Suite – InterUSS (